So, What are the 4 Words?

What Exactly are the 4 Words, Then?

Over the years, we’ve been asked this question a lot. Here’s a little background on the origin and evolution of the name “4word systems” from the founder’s point of view.

The Early Years

4word systems was founded by a software engineer. If you happen to be one yourself, the connection may be obvious. For the rest of us, he’s offered a simplified explanation: A “Word” in computer programming simply refers to a certain amount of space in computer memory that is processed as a single unit. The size of a “word” varies based on the type and age of a computer, but a word is the basic building block of any computer architecture.

Maybe simple, maybe not. In any case, the origin of our name is deeply rooted in a love for computers and programming.

Time Marches On

Face it, few people are familiar with the word “word” as it relates to geeky stuff like computer hardware and programming.  What the world needs today is action, and results.  Over time our name has taken on a whole new meaning as we have evolved our company.

Which Bring us to Today

Today, 4word systems has been re-defined as:


Those are the 4words.  Simple, straightforward, and resonant – these 4 words succinctly describe everything that 4word systems is about.

We design world-class graphics from logos to print to full web presence.

We develop leading-edge technology solutions and websites to meet business goals and objectives.

We promote the business of our clients using the latest tools and techniques.

Finally, we sustain that momentum and success over the long term.

So There You Have It!

The mystery of the “4words” has been revealed to you. Now go forth and prosper.

Either that or contact us today to set up a free consultation to see how we can apply our unique blend of Design, Develop, Promote, Sustain to your business right now.

About Steve Szettella

Love to Jeep, Ski, Golf, and Travel. Living near Boulder Colorado. Founder and president of 4word Systems - among other things.

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