4word Thinking Weekly Digest for August 1, 2012

A weekly collection of interesting, informative, thought-provoking and well-written articles we’ve found around the web.

No marketing garbage, no gimmicks, no “limited time only” deals, just cool and interesting stuff by some of the best thinkers in business and technology.

Top 10 reasons your competition may be beating you. A little lengthy, but some good ideas and perspectives to think about when marketing any small business.


Not strictly business or strictly tech, this article piqued our interest. The author makes a strong counter-point to an article in the New York Times suggesting that we shouldn’t be forcing all high school students to learn algebra. The author points out that lowering expectations for our students is a perilous road. Keeping American workers competitive in the coming decades will require more technical and logical skills.


We understand that a lot of tech people just aren’t all that social. Our friend Stephanie Chandler published a great little article on how to increase your “likeability” at business networking events. Worth a read:


Over-focusing on specific tech skills or experience could exclude the best candidates. Are employers getting too picky about their requirements?


In a new segment for the digest, we are featuring people that we recommend connecting with on social media:

Stephanie Chandler – Author, Publisher, Social Media Expert and All-Around Nice Person. Tell her Steve @ 4word systems sent you.
Google Plus


About Steve Szettella

Love to Jeep, Ski, Golf, and Travel. Living near Boulder Colorado. Founder and president of 4word Systems - among other things.

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