The Web Development Process – What to Expect

What to Expect During Your Web Project

With every new project, we strive to educate our clients on exactly what to expect.  Not every web developer follows this process, but we have found that it works well for just about every project we take on.  On some projects, there may be steps that are omitted, but in most cases, things go like this:

Step 1: Select a Platform & Components

Based on the project requirements, whether it will have an e-commerce component and other factors, we will select the appropriate development path.  This may be a full-custom solution, a WordPress platform with plug-ins, or a Magento implementation.  In any case, it is important to take this time up-front to decide on the best approach for every project.

Step 2: The Design

We have found that it is best to start with an illustration of what your website will look like.  Our design team will create 3 mock-up designs based on our initial consultations.  Almost always, the client can then choose one of the designs as a starting point.

Step 3: The Development

This step is actually 2 activities which are usually done in parallel.

First is that actual HTML and CSS development, making the illustration suitable for publishing on the web.  Here we wire-frame in all of the pages, build the WordPress theme or implement the Magento skin.

The second activity that is going on is gathering and producing the content.  We work with and often augment the client’s resources to create or gather and organize all of the information that will appear on the site.

Step 3: Testing, Proofreading & Quality Control

Before releasing a newly-minted website to the public, it is important to make sure everything is as good as it can be.  E-Commerce transactions, emails, shipping settings and payment processing all need to be thoroughly tested.  All copy needs to be proofread.  Any other custom features or functions must be vetted. This important step can never be omitted for any project.  There is no reason to release a site with typos, broken links or any other functional errors.

Step 4: Release

Believe it or not, turning a website “on” to the world can sometimes be a little tricky.  Issues with domain registration, name servers, email service and other important factors need to be considered before you “flip the switch”.  During the Testing phase, we make all of the necessary preparations to ensure a seamless transition to a new site.

Wrapping it All Up

Hopefully this gives you a good idea what to expect from your web project from concept to complete.  Of course there are tons of details along the way that make every project unique, but this general outline is a good basis for getting your project done right.

About Steve Szettella

Love to Jeep, Ski, Golf, and Travel. Living near Boulder Colorado. Founder and president of 4word Systems - among other things.

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